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ARGON - Enum constant in enum class com.maker.passwordmaker.EncodingId
Argon encoding id.


BCRYPT - Enum constant in enum class com.maker.passwordmaker.EncodingId
Bcrypt encoding id.
between(LocalDateTime, LocalDateTime) - Method in class com.maker.eventdatetimemaker.EventDateTimeArbitraryBuilder
Sets the range of LocalDateTime values to generate.
build() - Method in class com.maker.eventdatetimemaker.EventDateTimeArbitraryBuilder
Constructs an EventDateTimeArbitrary based on the configured settings.
builder() - Static method in class com.maker.eventdatetimemaker.EventDateTimeArbitrary
Creates a builder for EventDateTimeArbitrary.


com.maker.eventdatetimemaker - package com.maker.eventdatetimemaker
Provides the classes and annotations for create EventDateTime.
com.maker.idmaker - package com.maker.idmaker
Provides the classes and annotations for create ID Maker.
com.maker.passwordmaker - package com.maker.passwordmaker
Provides the classes and annotations for password encoding and decoding.
createArgon2PasswordEncoder() - Static method in class com.maker.passwordmaker.PasswordFactory
Create argon 2 password encoder password encoder.
createBCryptPasswordEncoder() - Static method in class com.maker.passwordmaker.PasswordFactory
Create b crypt password encoder password encoder.
createDelegatingPasswordEncoder(String) - Static method in class com.maker.passwordmaker.PasswordEncoderFactories
Creates a delegating password encoder with the encoding strategy specified by the encodingId parameter.
createPbkdf2PasswordEncoder() - Static method in class com.maker.passwordmaker.PasswordFactory
Create pbkdf 2 password encoder password encoder.
createRandomEnglishString(int) - Static method in class com.maker.idmaker.RandomValueUtil
Creates a random English string of the specified length.
createRandomKoreanString(int) - Static method in class com.maker.idmaker.RandomValueUtil
Creates a random Korean string of the specified length.
createRandomMixedString(int) - Static method in class com.maker.idmaker.RandomValueUtil
Creates a random mixed string of the specified length.
createRandomNumberString(int) - Static method in class com.maker.idmaker.RandomValueUtil
Creates a random number string of the specified length.
createSCryptPasswordEncoder() - Static method in class com.maker.passwordmaker.PasswordFactory
Create s crypt password encoder password encoder.
createTimestampedRandomID(int, GenerationType) - Static method in class com.maker.idmaker.IDMakerUtils
Creates a timestamped random ID.


EN - Enum constant in enum class com.maker.idmaker.GenerationType
EncodingId - Enum Class in com.maker.passwordmaker
The enum Encoding id.
encodingPassword(String, EncodingId) - Static method in class com.maker.passwordmaker.PasswordMakerUtil
Encodes the given password using the specified encoding ID.
encodingType() - Element in annotation interface com.maker.passwordmaker.PasswordMaker
Specifies the encoding type for a password.
EventDateTimeArbitrary - Class in com.maker.eventdatetimemaker
Provides arbitrary EventDateTime instances based on LocalDateTimeArbitrary.
EventDateTimeArbitrary(LocalDateTimeArbitrary) - Constructor for class com.maker.eventdatetimemaker.EventDateTimeArbitrary
Constructs an EventDateTimeArbitrary instance.
EventDateTimeArbitraryBuilder - Class in com.maker.eventdatetimemaker
Builder class for configuring EventDateTimeArbitrary.
EventDateTimeArbitraryBuilder() - Constructor for class com.maker.eventdatetimemaker.EventDateTimeArbitraryBuilder
Constructs an EventDateTimeArbitraryBuilder with default settings.
ExceptionCode - Enum Class in com.maker.idmaker
The enum Exception code.
ExceptionCode - Enum Class in com.maker.passwordmaker
The enum Exception code.


FAILED_TO_ACCESS_FIELD - Enum constant in enum class com.maker.idmaker.ExceptionCode
The Failed to access field.
FAILED_TO_ACCESS_FIELD - Enum constant in enum class com.maker.passwordmaker.ExceptionCode
The Failed to access field.


GenerationType - Enum Class in com.maker.idmaker
The enum Generation type.
getEncodingId() - Method in enum class com.maker.passwordmaker.EncodingId
Gets encoding id.
getEventDateTime() - Method in class com.maker.eventdatetimemaker.EventDateTimeArbitrary
Generates a random EventDateTime using the configured LocalDateTimeArbitrary.
getEventDateTimeFromLocalDateTime(LocalDateTime) - Static method in class com.maker.eventdatetimemaker.TimeUtil
Converts a LocalDateTime to EventDateTime.
getLocalDateTimeFromDateTime(EventDateTime) - Static method in class com.maker.eventdatetimemaker.TimeUtil
Converts a DateTime to LocalDateTime.
getMessage() - Method in enum class com.maker.idmaker.ExceptionCode
Gets message.
getMessage() - Method in enum class com.maker.passwordmaker.ExceptionCode
Gets message.


IDMaker - Annotation Interface in com.maker.idmaker
Annotation for fields that should have an ID generated before persisting.
IDMAKER_ANNOTATION_ON_NON_STRING - Enum constant in enum class com.maker.idmaker.ExceptionCode
The Idmaker annotation on non string.
IDMAKER_ANNOTATION_TYPE_INVALID - Enum constant in enum class com.maker.idmaker.ExceptionCode
The IDMaker annotation's type is invalid.
IDMakerAccessException - Exception in com.maker.idmaker
The type Id maker access exception.
IDMakerAccessException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.maker.idmaker.IDMakerAccessException
Instantiates a new Id maker access exception.
IDMakerEntityListener - Class in com.maker.idmaker
A listener that checks for fields annotated with IDMaker and generates an ID for them if they are null.
IDMakerEntityListener() - Constructor for class com.maker.idmaker.IDMakerEntityListener
IDMakerException - Exception in com.maker.idmaker
The type Id maker exception.
IDMakerException(String) - Constructor for exception com.maker.idmaker.IDMakerException
Instantiates a new Id maker exception.
IDMakerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.maker.idmaker.IDMakerException
Instantiates a new Id maker exception.
IDMakerInvalidArgumentException - Exception in com.maker.idmaker
The type Id maker invalid argument exception.
IDMakerInvalidArgumentException(String) - Constructor for exception com.maker.idmaker.IDMakerInvalidArgumentException
Instantiates a new Id maker invalid argument exception.
IDMakerInvalidArgumentException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.maker.idmaker.IDMakerInvalidArgumentException
Instantiates a new Id maker invalid argument exception.
IDMakerUtils - Class in com.maker.idmaker
Utility class for creating timestamped random IDs.


KO - Enum constant in enum class com.maker.idmaker.GenerationType


length() - Element in annotation interface com.maker.idmaker.IDMaker
The length of the random part of the ID.


matchPasswordMaker(String, String) - Static method in class com.maker.passwordmaker.PasswordMakerUtil
Matches the given password with the encoded password.
MIX - Enum constant in enum class com.maker.idmaker.GenerationType


NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class com.maker.idmaker.GenerationType


PASSWORD_MAKER_ANNOTATION_ON_NON_STRING - Enum constant in enum class com.maker.passwordmaker.ExceptionCode
The Idmaker annotation on non string.
PasswordEncoderFactories - Class in com.maker.passwordmaker
A utility class that provides a factory method for creating a delegating password encoder.
PasswordException - Exception in com.maker.passwordmaker
A sealed class that represents exceptions related to password handling.
PasswordException(String) - Constructor for exception com.maker.passwordmaker.PasswordException
Constructs a new password exception with the specified detail message.
PasswordException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.maker.passwordmaker.PasswordException
Constructs a new password exception with the specified detail message and cause.
PasswordFactory - Class in com.maker.passwordmaker
The type Password factory.
PasswordMaker - Annotation Interface in com.maker.passwordmaker
Annotation to specify the encoding type for a password.
PasswordMakerAccessException - Exception in com.maker.passwordmaker
The type Password maker access exception.
PasswordMakerAccessException(String) - Constructor for exception com.maker.passwordmaker.PasswordMakerAccessException
Instantiates a new Password maker access exception.
PasswordMakerAccessException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.maker.passwordmaker.PasswordMakerAccessException
Instantiates a new Password maker access exception.
PasswordMakerInvalidArgumentsException - Exception in com.maker.passwordmaker
The type Password maker invalid arguments exception.
PasswordMakerInvalidArgumentsException(String) - Constructor for exception com.maker.passwordmaker.PasswordMakerInvalidArgumentsException
Instantiates a new Password maker invalid arguments exception.
PasswordMakerInvalidArgumentsException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.maker.passwordmaker.PasswordMakerInvalidArgumentsException
Instantiates a new Password maker invalid arguments exception.
PasswordMakerListener - Class in com.maker.passwordmaker
Listener class for password encoding.
PasswordMakerListener() - Constructor for class com.maker.passwordmaker.PasswordMakerListener
PasswordMakerUtil - Class in com.maker.passwordmaker
Utility class for password encoding and matching.
PBKDF - Enum constant in enum class com.maker.passwordmaker.EncodingId
Pbkdf encoding id.
prePersist(Object) - Method in class com.maker.idmaker.IDMakerEntityListener
Method that gets called before an entity gets persisted.
prePersist(Object) - Method in class com.maker.passwordmaker.PasswordMakerListener
Method that is called before an entity is persisted.


RandomValueUtil - Class in com.maker.idmaker
Utility class for creating random strings.


SCRYPT - Enum constant in enum class com.maker.passwordmaker.EncodingId
Scrypt encoding id.
setDate(int) - Method in class com.maker.eventdatetimemaker.EventDateTimeArbitraryBuilder
Sets the date of month for generated LocalDateTime.
setHour(int) - Method in class com.maker.eventdatetimemaker.EventDateTimeArbitraryBuilder
setMinute(int) - Method in class com.maker.eventdatetimemaker.EventDateTimeArbitraryBuilder
setMonth(int) - Method in class com.maker.eventdatetimemaker.EventDateTimeArbitraryBuilder
Sets the month for generated LocalDateTime.
setYear(int) - Method in class com.maker.eventdatetimemaker.EventDateTimeArbitraryBuilder
Sets the year for generated LocalDateTime.


TimeUtil - Class in com.maker.eventdatetimemaker
Utility class for converting LocalDateTime to EventDateTime.
type() - Element in annotation interface com.maker.idmaker.IDMaker
The type of characters to use for the random part of the ID.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.maker.idmaker.ExceptionCode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.maker.idmaker.GenerationType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.maker.passwordmaker.EncodingId
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.maker.passwordmaker.ExceptionCode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class com.maker.idmaker.ExceptionCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.maker.idmaker.GenerationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.maker.passwordmaker.EncodingId
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.maker.passwordmaker.ExceptionCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
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